
Are You Looking For The Effects Of CBD Cream For Pain?

Are You Looking For The Effects Of CBD Cream For Pain?

CBD (cannabidiol) is widely available. You may eat it, drink it, vape it, and even take a bath in it. And, while there’s still a lot to learn about this interesting little chemical, supporters think it has some fairly amazing effects, especially when it comes to pain management. People use CBD for a variety of medicinal reasons, the most prevalent of which is to relieve chronic pain, followed by arthritis or joint pain. Is it, however, effective?

Treating chronic pain using CBD cream

“In adults with chronic pain, patients who were treated with CBD cream for pain are more likely to achieve a clinically meaningful decrease in pain symptoms,” the National Academies of Sciences, Medicine, and Engineering found after reviewing decades of cannabis studies. However, this isn’t as exciting for CBD as it sounds: “We don’t know cannabidiol’s effects on its own,” adds Cooper, who was a member of the National Academies group that compiled this paper. “What we know about THC or THC with cannabidiol was used to draw conclusions about cannabis and cannabinoids.”

Researches related to CBD cream for pain:

Animal studies are the only ones we have on CBD cream for pain. Researchers delivered rats a shot into one of their knee joints to simulate osteoarthritis in a 2017 study published in Pain. The rats were then given CBD or saline injections straight into a knee artery. In comparison to rats given saline, CBD-treated rats demonstrated reduced inflammation in the joint region and less pain-related behaviors (such as shaking or withdrawing the afflicted paw or being unable to bear weight in that paw).

Another research published in the European Journal of Pain in 2016 investigated arthritis in rats using a topical CBD preparation. After receiving an injection into one knee joint to simulate arthritis, the rats were given a gel containing either 10% CBD (in four different total dosages) or 1% CBD (control) for four days. The gel was rubbed for 30 seconds into the rats’ shaved backs each time.The researchers next looked at the inflammation in each rat’s knee joint, the amount of CBD in their blood, and their pain-related behaviors. They discovered that rats given the two highest dosages of CBD had much lower levels of inflammation and pain behavior ratings than those given the control. The two lower dosages had no discernible impact.

Kevin Boehnke, Ph.D., research fellow in the department of anesthesiology and the Chronic Pain and Fatigue Research Center at the University of Michigan, tells SELF, “It truly is a pretty promiscuous molecule.” “It will attach to receptors in numerous distinct routes,” says the researcher, making it impossible to predict how it will have an impact.

Ziva Cooper, Ph.D., research director of the UCLA Cannabis Research Initiative in the Jane and Terry Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior and the department of psychiatry and bio behavioral sciences, tells SELF, “Cannabidiol is a really messy medicine.” “It has a number of targets, and it is unclear how much of each target’s actions contribute to the possible pain relief benefits.”


As backed by the researches CBD cream for pain has shown promising results in treating pain. Although further researches are needed, however the current data is in support of the hypothesis that CBD creams are effective for the treatment of pain.

May 15, 2022